Summer is officially here and there’s no time like now to put your feet up, grab your favourite drink and pick up a good book to read. But which one? We’re here to give you the 14 must-read INSEAD faculty publications of the academic year!

The Global Cosmopolitan Mindset: Lessons from the New Global Leaders by Linda Brimm, Emeritus Professor of Organisational Behaviour, INSEAD. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
From the author of Global Cosmopolitans: The Creative Edge of Difference, comes a book that examines the dilemmas and opportunities of the population that have embraced globalisation as they seek, live, study and work in other cultures. Read about the challenges and rewards of leading a global life!

Capitalism Beyond Mutuality: Perspectives Integrating Philosophy and Social Science by Subramanian Rangan, Professor of Strategy and Management, INSEAD. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Our current economic system often lacks focus on well-being, fairness and the scope of our humanity. As a result, trust in capitalism has been reducing while regulations continue to increase. Co-authored by eminent philosophers, social scientists and thoughtful business leaders, the contributions in this book explore significant approaches to these concerns emerging from business practice and theory.

Microstructure of Organisations by Puranam Phanish, Roland Berger Chair Professor of Strategy & Organisation Design, INSEAD. Oxford University Press, 2018.
This book is the result of over a decade of research by the author with a new perspective on the kind of phenomena that can be studied in terms of organisation design including cross-functional teams, strategic partnerships, buyer-supplier relations, alliance networks, open source communities, crowdsourcing and more! This novel micro-structural perspective on organisations aims to expand and narrow current thinking. Grab your copy of Microstructure of Organisations today!

Managing Sustainable Business: An Executive Education Case and Textbook by Lensen Gilbert, Founding President of the Academy of Business in Society and N. Craig Smith, Chaired Professor of Ethics and Social Responsibility, INSEAD. Springer, 2018.
With 32 texts and case studies, the book revolves around the premise that finding the right balance between managing competitiveness and profitability, and managing the context of the business with its political, social and ecological risks and opportunities is key to managing a sustainable business. It also provides a framework that enables businesses to adopt best practices, broadening the reader’s knowledge of sustainable performance.

CEO School: Insights From 20 Global Business Leaders by Stanislav Shekshnia, Senior Affiliate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise, INSEAD; Kirill Kravchenko; Elin Williams. Palgrave, 2018.
Becoming a successful CEO in today’s global economy is not an easy task. The pages of this book contain insights by the Top 20 CEO’s – one from every G20 country – in seven easy-to-digest “masterclasses” including essential character traits, experience, and skills required of the role that will help you step into your path of becoming a successful CEO!

Athletic CEOs: Leadership in Turbulent Times by Stanislav Shekshnia, Senior Affiliate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise, INSEAD; Veronika Zagieva; Alexey Ulanovsky. Anthem Press, 2018.
Turbulent environments are common among businesses and CEOs often find themselves with their back against the wall. But Athletic CEOs transform their companies during such turbulences, delivering an incredible performance. This book presents an unorthodox model of effective business leadership – the Athletic Leadership.

Global Strategic Management by Philippe Lasserre, Emeritus Professor of Strategy and Asian Business, INSEAD. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
In this 4th edition, with the perfect blend of academic rigour and practical approach, Global Strategy Management establishes itself as one of the most accessible, engaging texts for any MBA, Executive MBA and post-experience student! Featuring multiple case studies and examples, it is the ideal text for the study of global or international strategic management or international business.

Ringtone: Exploring the Rise and Fall of Nokia in Mobile Phones by Yves L. Doz, Solvay Chaired Professor of Technological Innovation and Professor of Strategic Management, INSEAD; Keeley Wilson. Oxford University Press, 2017.
The authors of this book explore the journey of a brand that was once synonymous with the words ‘mobile phone’ – Nokia – A brand that led the phone revolution as one of the most recognisable brands. The authors observe and analyse the steep rise and sudden downfall, describing strategic decisions made by the leaders behind the scenes and their inability to inspire and engage their employees and the avoidable mistakes. Read the story of a brand that transformed an industry and yet, lost to the smart-phone transition.

The Economics of Continuous-TimeFinance by Bernard Dumas, Professor of Finance, INSEAD; Elisa Luciano. MIT Press, 2017.
The author uses discrete time to explain basic mechanisms and presents ideas including completeness, redundant pricing and no arbitrage, focusing on the study of markets where forms of incompleteness, volatility, heterogeneity, friction, or behavioural subtlety surfaces. He has found the perfect balance between mathematical rigour and the requirement for economic interpretation of financial market regularities. It is a must read with information that goes beyond your textbooks!

Blue Ocean Shift: Beyond Competing – Proven Steps to Inspire Confidence and Seize New Growth by W. Chan Kim, Professor of Strategy and Management, INSEAD; Renée Mauborgne, Distinguished Fellow and Professor of Strategy, INSEAD. Hachette, 2017.
A follow-up to the classic global bestseller, Blue Ocean Strategy, this book focuses on inspiring your people’s confidence to seize new growth. Integrating psychology and practical market-creating tools and guidance, the world-renowned authors present a guide to elevate your team’s and your confidence and growth. Through detailed research and relatable examples of leaders in diverse industries, you’ll learn what works, doesn’t work and how to avoid the many mistakes in the path to a successful blue ocean journey!

Advances in Modeling and Simulation: Seminal Research from 50 Years of Winter Simulation Conferences by Tolk Andreas; Fowler John; Shao Guodong; Yucesan Enver (Professor of Operations Research, INSEAD). Springer, 2017.
The book features reviews of state of the art modeling and simulation, highlighting both the seminal work of preeminent authorities and developments based on studies from young researchers in the field. It also showcases the historical importance of the Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), the premier international forum for disseminating recent advances in the field of system simulation, as a celebration of WSC’s 50th anniversary.

Neuroleadership: Le cerveau face à la décision et au changement by James Teboul, Professor of Operations and Service Management, INSEAD; Philippe Damier. Odile Jacob, 2017.
Pour être un meilleur leader ou manager, il ne suffit pas de comprendre les potentiels et les limites de vos employés mais aussi les vôtres. Savoir comment utiliser vos forces vous aide à vous préparer et à anticiper les modes de meilleures décisions et à conduire le changement dans des conditions optimales. Les auteurs, dans ce livre, fournissent des conseils et des façons d’appliquer ces connaissances pour vous permettre d’être de meilleurs gestionnaires et leaders dans votre vie professionnelle quotidienne.
English translation
To be a better leader or manager, it is not enough to understand your employees’ potential and limitations but also your own. Knowing how to utilise your strengths helps you prepare for and anticipate the modes of better decisions and drive change under optimal conditions. The authors of this book, provide advice and ways of applying this knowledge to enable you to be better managers and leaders in your professional daily life.

The Happiness Equation. Meditations on Happiness and Success, Manfred Kets de Vries, Distinguished Clinical Professor of Leadership Development and Organisational Change, INSEAD. KDVI Press, 2017.
What makes you happy? The author explores the common answers – Someone to love, something to do and something to hope for – and the need to achieve balance in life. The book also sheds light on the role of stress, outward and inner success and the struggle for authenticity and knowing oneself in the search for real happiness!

Private Equity in Action: Case Studies from Developed and Emerging Markets by Claudia Zeisberger, Senior Affiliate Professor of Decision Sciences and Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise, INSEAD; Michael Prahl, Adjunct Professor, INSEAD; Bowen White. Wiley, 2017.
Through a series of case studies, Private Equity in Action takes you on a journey through the world of private equity investments. The 19 cases showcase a wide range of private equity strategies including:
- Carve-outs in the US Semiconductor industry (LBO)
- Venture investing in the Indian wine industry (VC)
- Investing in SMEs in the Middle East
- Turnaround situations in both emerging and developed markets
With advice and expertise from leading private equity firms’ advisors and tested in INSEAD’s MBA, EMBA and Executive Education programmes, it is a riveting read!
Very interesting books! Thanks for this advice.
Very interesting professional books, but if you would like a good entertainment, please read my autobiographical novel: “WILD in the HIMALAYAS”. From Executive to Globetrotter. Loves and tragedies from Paris to Kathmandu. Francisco Po Egea. MBA Insead 75.
The readers have said:
“I have just read your story and it captured my imagination, I could barely put it down. I finished it in 3 days – good for me. It was an enthralling, engaging and occasionally moving tale. You certainly kept your souvenirs pristine and your writing, with so many references and quotations expertly inserted from the greatest writers along with your thought-provoking phrases and ideas, was of the highest order.”
“Your report left me puzzled: In the end, I could not decide, which of the two you love more, the mountains or the women? Yet you gave the answer anyhow: One can love both with the same intensity, without taking away anything from the other. I was really touched by the gentle, respectful and caring tone of the portraits of you different girls/women/female friends and finally wife.”