As we reflect with gratitude at the end of the year, we have much to be proud of at INSEAD. We have innovated, grown and introduced new programmes. Our enrolment numbers continue to be strong and our financials are in great shape. All of this is described in more detail in the 2013/2014 Annual Report and the Donors Report available in late January 2015.
None of this would have been possible without the diverse mix of alumni, students, staff and faculty who make up our community and who support INSEAD with passion every day. To all of you, I would like to offer my sincere thanks.
As we look ahead to 2015, we can all agree that change in the world is accelerating. Megatrends such as globalisation, the continued rise of Asia, growth in Africa and the rapid emergence of digital technologies are both challenges and opportunities. How do we address these challenges, how do we anticipate the next big thing? How do we prepare our students? As a business school, I believe that it is our responsibility to develop future managers, leaders, and entrepreneurs who upon graduation return to their countries and companies with skills and expertise, which will help them innovate, accelerate growth, and improve economic welfare around the world. In recent years we have also focused on creating the right environment where participants debate freely different views or discuss relevant ethical dilemmas.
My vision for INSEAD, as I have shared with many of you is to build a global learning community based on academic excellence. To be a leader in management education we must ensure that we have the best teachers, we engage continuously on learning innovation, and we build a platform for life- long learning. In addition to knowledge dissemination, a leading business school must be at the core of knowledge creation, which we achieve through our focus on research excellence. I look forward to sharing our plans for INSEAD in the next few months. While there is much to be done, we are well on our way and with your support, we can achieve our goal of excellence.
I hope you will enjoy the articles within this issue of the magazine. Paul Desmarais Jr. offers insights into leadership and Akiko Mikamo’s story is compelling as we learn about forgiveness. Our alumni associations continue to grow in strength as they find new ways to inspire and help our alumni through Business Lab sessions.
Finally, on 17, 18 and 19 December we graduate our MBA and EMBA students. Do take a few minutes to welcome them into the alumni community by tagging your message #inseadgrad
I wish you and your families the very best of the season and may 2015 bring you much happiness, good health and fortune.
Best wishes,
Ilian Mihov