Global INSEAD Day in France was “the” rendez-vous de la rentrée (the event of the new academic year) celebrated in a gorgeous industrial loft in Paris. The party brought together la crème de la crème of 250 alumni, students and partners from 36 promotions spanning 50 years of INSEAD history, from 1966 to 2016. It was the perfect evening to network and enjoy the last summer days on the terrace.
INSEAD Entrepreneurs and IAA France partners who have been shaking up the food and beverage scene in France offered gourmet quiches, fancy breads with local Parisian brewed beers and premium smoothies accompanied by champagne, French and Italian wines. Ice cream topped the evening’s menu. Think of it as an INSEAD Alumni Food Festival right in the heart of Paris!
This year the IAA France introduced the Global INSEAD Day Challenge. To spice things up, we offered the promotion with the most attendees the option to donate the event attendance fee to the charity of their choice. The charity was selected in a traditional group project format and the winners were … MBA’14D with 16 attendees from their promotion attending the Global INSEAD Day party. They topped the other promotions. Well done MBA’14Ds! The class chose to support The Red Cross by donating €600.
This year’s event format was a premier for IAA France. At the 2013 edition of Global INSEAD Day, we had introduced our flagship event, INSEAD Essentials. The event was repeated in 2014 hosting over 600 attendees at the Collège des Bernardins with distinguished speakers from the world of business, politics, and nonprofits. The IAA France is delighted to announce that INSEAD Essentials will be back in 2016 for its fourth edition. A new format is being crafted and we’ll update the community with more details soon.
We have had great feedback on the INSEAD Global Day Party. A survey of the attendees showed that such events provide a fun and effective opportunity for alumni to connect and network. Combined with more than 250 content-rich business conferences organised by our clubs, such parties serve to further the personal connections within the community. So party-on we say and stay tuned for more from France as we integrate more such gatherings into our annual calendar!
A bientôt!
IAA France
With many thanks to our alumni and IAA France partners who delighted us with their food and drinks:
Au Rendez-vous Gourmet – David Cayla, MBA’94D
Charles Heidsick (IAAF Partner)
Glazed – Henri Guittet, MBA’06D
Grand Rosé (IAAF Partner)
Gula – Aziz Temimi, MBA’14D
Michel et Augustin – Michel de Rovira, MBA’04D
NU – Paul Nehmé, MBA’89D
Panifica – François Brault, MBA’92D
Préssé Mignon – Vidya Iyer, MBA’04D
Villa Medorro (IAAF Partner)